Grumpy's Blog

Dungeon 5: The House of Eternal Night

Posted by Andy Lawrence on

The house of eternal night is an old cult that worship the formless nameless beings of the negative planes. They shroud themselves in shadows and illusion. For years they sacrificed countless innocents to the dark powers they revered.

They built the House of Eternal Night on the edges of a large swampy area, full of reptiles and other carrion creatures that would help clean up after their rituals.

When it was created, the House was a marge large edifice than currently sits above the murky waters of the swamp, which over time has claimed the majority structure and its cult inhabitants.

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Dungeon 4: Vault of the Black Dragon

Posted by Andy Lawrence on

This old set of storage rooms was originally used by the builders of the city as material storage, but the entrance was closed off when the rooms where no longer needed. An extra planar traveller known as the Black Dragon, due to his love of using weapons and magic with imbued with acid, or corrosive properties, opened a planar portal and bought his retinue of rouges, cut throats and thieves here to plunder and pillage the town and surrounding area.

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Dungeon 3: Den of the Jade Knight

Posted by Andy Lawrence on

The Den of the Jade Knight was originally an old Dwarven waystation. It was built as part of an underground network of underground roads and cartways. It was abandoned by its dwarven creators after a disastrous battle with Dark Elves from the surrounding underworld.

Over time the surface world forgot the existence of the waystation until The Jade Knight discovered a secret entrance when the floor of a tomb that had been built on top of it collapsed. The Jade Knight now uses the Waystation as his base of operations.

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Dungeon 2: Blackrock Fortress

Posted by Andy Lawrence on

This Stronghold was constructed using volcanic stone found on the seabed of this area, giving its name Blackrock Fortress. One day the occupants of the fortress disappeared, leaving the structure empty. Over the years many people have tried to occupy Blackrock, but tragedy always befalls them, leading to the rumour that its cursed.

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Dungeon 1: The Tomb of Rai

Posted by Andy Lawrence on

This tomb houses the sarcophagus of Rai, a cleric of a church of Justice. The tomb is situated below a ruined temple destroyed by an earthquake. The upper floor of the temple is still strewn with the remnants of the clerics, and acolytes that called it home.

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